Taxation Links
As a valued member of our community you have access to all the latest financial resources available. If you have any issues interpreting these resources don't hesitate to get in touch with our team.
The Revenue Commissioners
Irish Government
A general overview of personal tax-related issues, including information on tax credits and reliefs. The most popular forms and useful FAQs are also provided. You can also visit the Taxes & Duties section, particularly the section on Income Tax, for more in-depth personal tax information, including all downloadable forms and leaflets.
Official Irish Government website with links to all government websites and services.
Published by the Department of Finance. This link is a dedicated website for the annual Irish Budget. The website includes reports, statements and a library of related documents. Details of previous budgets is also available on this website.
Local Property Tax
An annual self-assessed Local Property Tax (LPT) charged on the market value of all residential properties in the State came into effect in 2013 and is being administered by Revenue. This link allows you to file and/or pay your Local Property Tax and to manage any Household Charge Arrears online.
The Department of Finance
The Department of Finance is responsible for the production of the annual Budget. This website provides regular updates on the work of the Department and to highlight the major policy initiatives currently under its remit. Areas include: Economic Policies, Tax Policies, Public Finances, International & EU Interests, Banking & Financial Services and The Budget.
Office of the Appeal Commissioners
The Appeal Commissioners are responsible for carrying out the statutory duties assigned under the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 and related legislation, principally the hearing of appeals by taxpayers against decisions of the Revenue Commissioners concerning taxes and duties.
ROS - Revenue On-Line Service
ROS is the method by which Revenue is delivering its interactive customer services electronically to the customer. This service is an internet facility which provides customers with a quick and secure facility to file tax returns, pay tax liabilities and access their tax details, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Log in for ROS, MyAccount and LPT
PAYE Modernisation
The PAYE Modernisation Project will involve the most significant reform of the PAYE system since its introduction in 1960. Employers will need to calculate and report their employees’ pay and deductions as they are being paid
VRT Calculator
Calculate the Open Market Selling Price (OMSP) for VRT purposes and the amount of VRT payable in respect of certain vehicles that are held on the Revenue Commissioners database. Please note that some Makes / Models / CO2 Emissions of vehicles are not included. VRT is payable on any extras fitted to a vehicle.
TaxWorld Ltd.
Taxworld Ltd. is a highly innovative publishing company that is a leading supplier of tax legislation and commentary. With over 30 years' experience in taxation, Alan Moore is widely known for his regular articles in The Sunday Business Post. A former inspector of taxes and Council Member of the Irish Taxation Institute, he was the only private sector consultant to the Revenue Commissioners on the drafting of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997.
VAT Recovery Services
FEXCO VAT Refunds is a global specialist in corporate VAT refunds. They offer a highly efficient and cost effective service to both European and non-European companies who wish to outsource the recovery of their Value-Added-Tax (VAT).